Molecule Constructor 1.01 for Atari ST |
The first version of Molecule Constructor program for drawing 3D models of molecules with interactive user interface for Atari ST computers. The program is packed in zip archive. Program was written in Czech version, only, and optimized for Atari ST with German version of TOS. For correct functionality of the program the system must be set to medium screen resolution. All users who bought some of my applications and did not get registering key or registered application should contact me at my address:
Ing. Marek Dlapa, Ph.D.
Do not send any e-mails or post, come personally to the above mentioned address and do not ask anybody for directions except electronic navigation (Google Maps, Garmin, Tom Tom, etc.). I am victim of organized group of criminals who take all my post and e-mails and steal my money through black accounting on PayPal. IMPORTANT: Take screenshots of your PayPal account with records of your payments for my applications on electronic media (flash disk, diskette, CD ROM, etc.). Registration fee: 10,-USD
Trial version (Czech only): mc-atari-trial.zip
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Predators for Atari ST | |
Program with interactive user interface for computers Atari ST series for simulation of ecological system hares x foxes. The program is packed in zip archive. The program was created in Czech and English language version. For correct functionality of the program the system must be set to medium screen resolution.
Freeware (English): predator.zip
Freeware (Czech): dravci.zip